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Der Königspinguin ;-)

 Video: Emperor penguin on Kapiti Coast

The emperor penguin from Antarctica resting up on a Kapiti Coast beach now has its own bodyguard.

The juvenile emperor penguin, which stands about a metre tall and weighs about 10 kilograms, was first spotted on Peka Peka Beach on Monday afternoon, standing up and flapping its flippers.

It is only the second recorded incident of an emperor penguin on New Zealand shores.

Nicknamed Happy Feet by Peka Peka resident Chris Wilton, the bird has attracted global interest and bird enthusiasts are flocking to see it.

A group of residents kept guard on the beach on Wednesday night and told the Conservation Department that drunken youths were "making a bloody nuisance of themselves".

To prevent cars driving too close to the rare visitor and an onslaught of flashing cameras, Kapiti Coast District Council has assigned a security guard to safeguard Happy Feet.

The council has also blocked vehicle access to the beach and, with more visitors expected to descend on the beach this weekend, Conservation Department staff will call in regularly to ensure no-one interferes with the penguin. A penguin expert, Associate Professor John Cockrem, said the bird, which swam 7000 kilometres from Antarctica, was healthy and in good condition, but he stressed the importance of people keeping well away from it and ensuring dogs were on leads.

"If it is chased or scared suddenly, it will get stressed out."

Returning the bird to Antarctica was not feasible because there was no transport there in winter and experts advised that large birds could suffer trauma if transported long distances.

While Happy Feet seemed content to lie on the beach, go for an occasional swim and seemed to be feeding and drinking sea water, DOC biodiversity programme manager Peter Simpson said staff were investigating long-term intervention plans if needed, but there was not a lot they could do.

"There are no facilities in New Zealand that can care for it long term.

"The zoo is not an option and Kelly Tarlton's has different species of penguins and diseases could be an issue."

The department was working with penguin experts and hoped Happy Feet would soon jump back into the sea and make its way home.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Sigurd A.Röber

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