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New Zealand Herald - Top Stories

FW: Working In newsletter: Salaries in New Zealand still on the rise

Gesendet: 19.08.2010
Betreff: Working In newsletter: Salaries in New Zealand still on the rise

Hello Sigurd,

The economy in New Zealand continues to show signs of strength and it seems skills shortages are to applaud for the rising salaries across many industries. Reports show that salaries in New Zealand increased even during the recession, at least in the finance and accounting sector.

We're coming to South Africa!

The Opportunities New Zealand Expo will be held in Johannesburg on the 18th and 19th of September. Book your tickets now to ensure you have the chance to have all your immigration questions answered under one roof. Don't miss out on this opportunity to kick-start your new life in New Zealand. For more information, visit www.expo-newzealand.com.

Skills shortage to drive IT salaries up

A new skills shortage in IT is on its way to New Zealand, according to a report released by recruitment specialist Hudson. In fact, according to Hudson, "stories are emerging of offers 50 to 100% higher than some staff had earned in 2009 and demand for contractors throughout 2010 is expected to push through the roof." Click here to find out more.

Investor migrants choose New Zealand for the lifestyle

A study commissioned by Immigration New Zealand and Investment New Zealand found that the lifestyle is a more important reason for investor migrants settling in New Zealand than business and tax issues. Click here to read more.

Annual visitors to NZ hit 2.5 million

Data from Statistics New Zealand shows the country hit a new milestone, with 2.5 million annual visitor arrivals in the year to June 2010. The annual net migration gain was 16,500 in the same period. Read more here.

Working In Visas & Journey to Work

When you're planning a new life in New Zealand, it's vital for your decisions to be based on sound information. Working In Visas has a team of advisers with more than 20 years collective experience who can assess your eligibility and employment prospects. Additionally, our unique Journey to Work programme will work with you on your NZ job search, putting you in touch with key employers and helping you develop the best job search strategy. Click here to find out more or to get in touch with us.


The Southland region is the gateway to some of the world's most amazing scenery and exciting outdoor activities. Living here you will be able to work to have a life, not spend your life working and continually missing out on your family's growing experiences. Among other things, Southland offers migrants a wide range of career opportunities, a superb lifestyle and a safe, clean environment for families. Read more here.


At Healthdownsouth, we provide government-funded hospital services and fund other primary health services. We employ a wide range of health professionals to our inpatient and community-based health services. Let us help your family take the big opportunity - a giant life in our little country. Click here to see our current job vacancies.


Transpower is the owner of New Zealand's high voltage transmission grid which transmits electricity throughout the country. We are committed to fostering a learning environment and actively encourage and support our staff to develop their careers. Click here for more information and to view our current vacancies.

ASB Bank

The ASB Bank is wholly owned by the Commonwealth Bank of Australia and was established in New Zealand in 1847. We can help you meet your financial needs with competitive wholesale rates of exchange and bank accounts opened in New Zealand before you leave. Click here for more information on how we can help you.

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Working In is on Twitter – Follow us for up-to-date information on jobs, immigration and life abroad. If you’re on Facebook, make sure you join our page to find out more about New Zealand, and interact with other people keen to move there.

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