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FW: September Explore - Win a Weekend in Wellington

Von: "Jasons Travel Media" <newsletters@jasons-explore.com>
Gesendet: 14.09.2010 13:12:12
An: siroprint@web.de
Betreff: September Explore - Win a Weekend in Wellington

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September Issue

Firstly our thoughts are with the people of Christchurch and Canterbury as they go about the task of rebuilding our beautiful garden city. Our own Jasons staff came through the quake safely, but we know that everyone in the region has been deeply affected. 

Our prize this month is a weekend away in our vibrant capital of Wellington, where you'll get to spend 2 nights in the West Plaza Hotel, enjoy a delicious meal at 3C Bar & Restaurant,  join a Wellington Movie Tour and take home two replica Lord of the Rings shields. Plus we've got the locals top 5 so you can plan to add some other neat things to your list as well.

For racing enthusiasts Melbourne-bound, we've got the lowdown on the city's famous racing carnival from 30 October to 6 November, so check out all the racing action! Our Cook Islands feature takes a look at some wonderful cultural experiences to get you mixing with the locals.

With the Christmas season fast approaching, remember to start booking all your holiday accommodation and activities on jasons.com so that you don't miss out.

Congratulations to the winner of our Taupo competition, which went to Jacqueline Busca of Auckland.

Win a Weekend in Wellington enter
Dream Destinations
The Locals Top 5 - Wellington Style!
Melbourne Cup Carnival 2010 - 30 October - 6 November
Experience Culture in the Cook Islands
New Zealand - What's Hot
hot deal 1
Queenstown - The Rees Hotel & Luxury Apartments
Lakeview Splendour Package $195/night!


Queenstown - Distinction Nugget Point
Spring Special from NZD$210 per night!


Auckland - SeaLink
Drive yourself to Waiheke or Great Barrier Island!

Auckland's Waitakere Estate
Spring Escape Package for two!


Taupo - The Reef Resort Motel & Apartments
Spring Special for two!


Northland - Whananaki North Motel & Holiday Park
Discover Northland's Whananaki & save $$!

Napier - Bay View Snapper Holiday Park
Weekend away right on the beach!

Taupo - Alpine Lake Motor Lodge & Conference Centre
Luxury Spa Bath Special. Free cafe breakfasts!
Wellington - The Terrace Villas Serviced Apartments
Weekend Getaway $145 per night!

Wellington - Abel Tasman Hotel
Spring Special from only $120 per night!

Wellington - Central City Apartment Hotel
Spring Special from only $120 per night!

Order your free guide
Motels, Apartments & Motor Lodges NZ Accommodation Directory

Australia - What's Hot
Melbourne - Quest on Lonsdale
Magical Mary Poppins Package  


Melbourne - Seasons Heritage Melbourne
Seasons Spring Getaway Package


Sassafras, Victoria - Cottages at Monreale
Package deals for two from AU$560 


Melbourne - Beau Monde International
5 Night Special for Two!

Melbourne - Hotel Grand Chancellor Melbourne
From AU$122/night for two


Gold Coast - Q1 Surfers Paradise
3brm apartment from AU$220/night!

Melbourne - Rydges Bell City Hotel
Spring Savings - stay 2 nights and save 15%


The Sebel Melbourne
Bed & Breakfast Package from AU$209

The Como Melbourne
Duckaway Package from AU$289! 


Quay West Suites Melbourne
Bed, Breakfast & Valet Car Parking Package from AU$279/night!

Melbourne - Hotel Urban St Kilda
Best Available Rate from AU$150 plus a free bottle of wine! 
Image courtesy Tourism NSW
Crave Sydney International Food Festival
1-31 October 2010

South Pacific - What's Hot
muri beach
Rarotonga - Muri Beach Club Hotel
Couples Paradise - stay 3 nights and pay for only 2!


Cook Islands - Puaikura Reef Lodges & Bungalow
Stay 7 nights Pay for only 5 - $450pp!


edge water
Rarotonga - The Edgewater Resort & Spa
Stay 5 Pay 3 & get 2 nights free!


cook islands guide
Order your free guides
Cook Islands Visitor Guide and Map


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